Tuesday, January 11, 2011

DC Crew Back Together Again

For the second episode of the season the few stragglers left in DC were able to get together to watch. It was a great evening. Lots of wine, lots of gabbing about the girls, and lots of good catching up! The few of us have plans to keep the DC viewing parties going. :-)

Ok, so now on to a few comments about last night. What was up with Ashley H's dress? I can say that all five of us watching thought it was horrible. Not only was the bottom of the dress a hot mess, but the top and bodice were a poor fit. What's more shocking to me about this is the fact that I saw girls tonight say they loved the dress. Let me digress a bit . . . Last week I went on a Bachelor frenzy when I got wrapped up in all the excitement after the first episode. One boring day at work I decided to follow Ali, Jillian, Tenley, Chris Lambton (so wishing he was the Bachelor this season!) on Facebook and/or Twitter. So, tonight on Tenley's facebook page girls were commenting on how much they loved Ashley H's dress. Here is one of the comments "Love, love, loved Ashley H. dress!!!! So adorable!!". That is a lot of exclamation points. I want to know what dress that girl was looking at!?! Another point about Ashley H. . . I give her to award for the most aggressive kiss in Bachelor history. I was afraid she was going to smother Brad, luckily his big nose prevented that.

Last night we all were wondering why this season they are not showing the girls ages and I discovered the answer today from Chris Harrison's (love him!) blog. Straight from the horses mouth:

Speaking of age, many of you have asked why we aren’t showing how old the women are this year. I find it interesting their age makes such a difference to you. Not sure why age would make a difference in finding love. There actually is a technical reason the ages aren’t on there this season: We changed the graphics up a bit and they just don’t fit. But I will tell you if you pay attention you will learn how old these women are as we go.

If you don't read his blog each Tuesday after the episodes, you should. They're fun!

Also, I gained a lot respect for Brad last night when he let both Melissa and Raichel go. It was really unclear to all of us what started this hatred between the two girls and none of it seemed to make any sense the entire episode. I'm glad to see the producers didn't make him keep them around for drama sake. Speaking of that, I do question his motivation to keep vampire girl around. I'm hoping that's the producers pulling the strings there.

Lastly, loved seeing Ali and Roberto! They are super cute together. I'm wishing them luck in staying together. The odds are against them, but I have a feeling they might just beat them!

1 comment:

  1. I love Ali & Roberto too! So.. I'm going to try to refrain from saying anything mean about her hair.
