Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Remaining Bachelorettes Shall Henceforth Be Known As...

While I appreciate the anonymous (male) Bachelor fan's enthusiasm, wit and true intuition when it comes to these crazy bitches who, as "azladiesarehot" so aptly pointed out, somehow KNOW they are meant to spend the rest of their lives with a complete stranger... said anonymous (male) Bachelor fan failed to implement what the DC Bachelor Fans have deemed a necessity: NICKNAMES. In our true spirit of bitchiness, bitterness, and all that is catty, we shall henceforth refer to the bachelorettes as the nicknames cataloged herein.

Shannon -- It would be pretty easy to simply call this lunatic "Stalker." I mean, she probably said the word "stalker" 50 times in her very first interaction with Jason in which she might as well have recalled the name of the gerbil that was the mascot of Mrs. Hunter's second grade class of which Jason was a member back when he lived in Knoxville (which is where he lived after Cleveland and prior to Seattle). Its name was Pinky, by the way. But one other thing that really bugs me about this madwoman is dem TEEF. Sure, you're a dental hygenist and all, but there's no need for your teeth to be so white as to be seen from space. She reminds me of that Friends episode where Ross gets his teeth bleached and then brings a chick back to his apartment, turns on the blacklight and lights up the room with his teeth.

Oh and hey, by the way, hilarious joke coming out of the limo with Austin Powers teeth on. Did you NOT learn your lesson when Travis rejected Kristen after the orange peel teeth? Gross teeth jokes do not a final rose winner make, Toothy McStalker!

Aaand that took so much out of me that I'm tapping out for now. Ladies, please to follow up with your own incarnations of nicknames...

1 comment:

  1. I think that this post warrants an update after Shannon christens herself with the "rapper name" Sha-nae-nae in this week's episode.

    Additionally, in addition to the blinding nature of her chompers, I believe that there is a better than 50% chance that those are full out dentures. How is each tooth the exact same shape and size?
