In order to get our blog ball rolling as they say in cyberspace...or maybe nobody has ever said that before. Anyway, one of our favorite male bachelor friends passed along some comments and theories on this season's ladies. What do you think?
First the ones who left:
Sharon -- I knew she probably only made it to the second round cause he felt guilty she left her job.
Raquel - I knew the language barrier would be a problem. I guess it became an issue even quicker than I thought!
Now for the remaining girls:
Shannon -- This chick needs to watch it. That ice-throwing stunt is exactly the type of thing that a dude remembers and will hold against her. She seems nice and bubbly, but if she gives off the vibe that she has a bad temper in certain circumstances that will undo all of her smiling and compliments. I'm losing optimism that she'll make it to the finals, she seems a bit too star-struck and doesn't seem like she has a lot to say.
Lauren -- that chick is crazy. She acts a lot younger than her 27 years, and even though she's a teacher, she does not seem like she'd necessarily be a good mom. She blinks like DeAnna, though, and actually moves her head and eyebrows like DeAnna too (twitchy). I think her cuteness could have taken her far, but she shot herself in the foot by saying there needs to be more of a two-way street betwen her and Jason. It's gotta be a huge red flag when she's that demanding after only a couple days and being only one of 15 girls. He senses that she has a high opinion of herself and is very high maintenance.
Jillian -- Hey, I called her going to the Final Four, and he liked his date with her! She COULD win the whole thing... but if she doesn't, it's because she's too much like a "buddy" and just too independent... or whatever you want to call the other extreme from "clingy." Also, I never trust anyone from Canada, but maybe Jason doesn't feel that way. But seriously, I think she'll go far.
Melissa -- She's a former Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader and yet she hasn't had a date in 3 years? Boo hoo. But I will say this: she comes across as young, so she was smart to bring up wanting to teach and wanting kids. She's got to reassure him she'd be a mature mom. I think she did that for the time being, but in the end, I still have a feeling she may seem a bit young to him and not the "safest" step-mom.
Molly - So what was her secret, special talent? "I'm a good kisser." As we used to say in the '80s: "Gag me with a spoon." Oh, and there is a special section of Hell reserved for girls who already have roses who nevertheless interrupt one-on-one time between the Bachelor and another girl. If I was the Bachelor, I would hold that against her.
Nikki - She got the very first first-impression road, in part, I think, because of her maturity. But she's got to watch out she doesn't cross the line from being mature to being overly sedate. It's great that she's not one of the crazy chicks, but she can't always be Miss Cool either. Chick needs to smile more and stop bad-mouthing other girls, even in general. She also needs to show some sort of fun side. Otherwise, she risks being the "Jeremy" of the season... great on paper, but just not enough spark in the end.
Kari - Still not making a huge impression, but seems cute, sweet, normal, and not dumb.
Naomi - A wolf in sheep's clothing. I think she may be one of those rare girls who really isn't that nice but can actually kinda pull it off in front of a guy.
Natalie - vapid, shallow, materialistic.
Erica - drunk and evil. I can see why her last boyfriend cheated on her with a 52-year old.
Megan -- Not as mean as she came across in the first episode, but I still think she's out of her league.
Stephanie -- Still seems sweet, but still looks a bit weird.
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