For those of you who have been faithfully following our blog since its inception (thanks Moms!), you probably already know that this week marks our 1-year blog-a-versary. (aka we've been talking smack and making ourselves laugh for a whole year on this wonderful blogosphere.) To celebrate this special occasion, I am releasing a "Final Rose" exclusive report. We were able to secure a copy of the letter that Elizabeth read to Jake during last week's episode. And after her departure last night, we thought this amazing piece of literature was too good not to be shared with our devoted following. It looks like she used a typewriter and I'm not sure where she had access to one on the set but alas, this is the real deal so enjoy!
Dear Jake. I am writing you this letter so that I can read it out loud to you during our 1-on-1 time. You will probably notice that nothing I am reading to you is actually that insightful and you might even be wondering why it is that I needed to write it down. What I should probably tell you is that I was in some horrible accident that affected my brain's ability to remember important information - we all know you have a soft spot for tragic stories and by making one up, I might have improved my chances of staying - but the truth is that I'm just plain dumb. I am going to ask you not to kiss me but then I am going to ask you time and time again if you want to kiss me. And when you say yes, I'm going to tell you that you can't kiss me. And then when you kick me off the show, the first thing I am going to ask is if its because I wouldn't kiss you. I should realize that if I have to ask, its probably the reason. I am not asking you to withhold from kissing me because I am some religious zealot like Tenley nor am I going to pretend that in normal situations I wouldn't give it away on the first date. I am simply holding out on you to see how much you really want me. I'm all about mind games. Love, Elizabeth.
Hahahahhahahhaa... looking forward to many more years of ridiculously fun stuff like this :) Happy Blog-aversary... hope it's the most intense ever!