Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Lucky Bitch

Ok Jill. Yes, you are my girl crush (second to Zooey Deschanel and Rachel McAdams, but only when she is a brunette), and yes, I think you are awesome. But you are one lucky bitch and I am jealous as all get-out. Seriously everyone, do what FirestoneFever says and check out Jillian's Bachelors. Holy Hotness Batman!! As FF points out, there are some obvious duds in the group like guys with weird names, 2 guys named Tanner (wtf?), a "Pizza Entrepeneur," and a shocking LACK of fellow Canuks for the Horny Mounty, but there are also some hot peices of grade-A tuchus. I have pasted a picture of my fave below... "Caleb." Hot name. Seriously my heart hurts this guy is so hot. I have a thing for dudes with beards, AND to top it all off, this guy is from the great state of Missouri! Eff judging a book by its cover - Caleb, will you marry me?!

1 comment:

  1. I've checked out the guys and here's what I think:
    - I hope she doesn't go for Jake the commercial pilot . . . stay clear of pilots!
    - Pizza Entrepreneur looks like a duche bag
    - There is no way that Mathue is 26
    - Kiptyn is a strange name, but he looks nice, so he's my fav from the bios

    Can't wait for the start!
