Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Couldn't Agree More . . .

LATBACHELORFAN, I completely agree with your sentiments about Wes. Being the big country fan I am, a person could naturally assume I would really like him. But not true at all. I think he is actually sending the wrong message out there to non country fans about the musical genre.

Anyway, on to my rant about Westicles . . . he makes my skin crawl and is an embarrassment to the male gender. I was soooo angry watching the episode this week and I can not believe Jillian can not see how much of a lying bastard he is. Knowing what we know about him and being an observer to this, I can see why this contriving and manipulating excuse for a human being considers himself to not be lying. Everything he has said to her is not technically a lie (well that was until he denied it straight to her face that he has a girlfriend). He just seems to be twisting the facts, leaving out important information, and making very vague claims (like when he said "I don't even know what to say because I've gotten myself so far into this and now it's like I'm stuck here and now I don't know what to do") which our poor Jillian seems to be eating up. Everything he says has a second meaning and Jillian is falling for the wrong one. I mean, come on Jillian, he just told you he didn't want to be here anymore and wasn't expecting to be here this long. All he wanted was his five minutes of fame to promote his music (which I think is going to back fire hardcore on him - even being a big country fan, I'll NEVER buy his album!). Oh an after this comment above when he said he was "stuck" here, he then got defensive and said to her "I'm here for you. And I don't ever want to say that again. I told you that when we were snow skiing. I here for the right reasons. I don't know, I don't know what to say." And all she could say was "I know, I know." URGHH, he makes me so mad! Jillian wake up!!

I knew I didn't like him in one of the early episodes when Jillian asked him about how he would handle girls throwing themselves on him while he's on tour and if he would cheat and his response was, "my girlfriend would just have to be confident in herself." He totally avoided the question and threw to responsibility onto the girl, which is typical behavior of someone lying. My guards went up there against him, I just wish Jillian's had also. And to top it all off, he totally isn't attractive and LATBACHELORFAN is completely right when you say he's boring!

I really really hope that the teaser we saw in the previews for next week of him slipping up and say "my girlfriend, um I mean my ex girlfriend" is true and not just good editing. Please god let it be true and Jillian finally sees his true colors . . .

More From the Peanut Gallery

I apologize for my hiatus last week, I know all three of you probably REALLY missed me. But as DC Bachelor Fan alluded to, I was out on the Left Coast sunning, eating and drinking myself into oblivion. I was far too busy to take time away from that and predicting what celebrity was going to die next to blog. And unfortunately, my ladies back here in DC missed the entire first hour of the show due to a tragedy on DC's Metro system. I am usually able to make light of most situations, but obviously this wasn't funny at all. It's scary, considering I ride that heap of metal every day, and it's sad. We're sorry for all those that were lost.

But anyway, back to blogging. I feel a need to describe how much I hate Westicles. I realize this is very unoriginal in that the entire blogosphere hates him, but I want to add my two cents! Not only is Westicles a dirty rotten scoundrel liar, once again I would like to point out that he is BORING! When he is not singing (the same song over and over), his voice is so monotone. He has absolutely no feeling or inflection in his voice. It's really hard to believe someone that they don't have a girlfriend and care about you when all he has to say is "maybe he misheard me" in a boring robot voice. Misheard you... on more than three occasions?! Come on. Jake may be a snooze-fest, but he ain't no liar. And he ain't deaf. Add to that the fact that Westicles doesn't look her in the eye throughout the entire conversation, and can barely speak for all the throat-clearing, and you have a textbook case of a lying asshole. Case closed, Jill. One final question - was Wes raised by lesbians? Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it was curious that he had a mom, a stepmom, and no dads. And three sisters, all of whom help to inflate his COMPLETELY UNDESERVED humongous ego. Sick. He makes my skin crawl. That is all.

I need to wrap this up, but before I go, I'd like to post something I wasn't able to last week, what I hope was the last in the Parade of Stupid Hats:

And last but not least, my contribution to Separated at Birth:

Balcony Crying Twins: Jake and Jason

Separated at Birth

For any of you political junkies out there (and while this may be a shot in the dark, I'm going to guess that if you're reading the likes of this blog, you probably aren't too much into Roll Call or Politico), a genius political online publication called the Hotline has been known to publish a column called: "Separated at Birth".

Today, I bring you our Bachelor version of this blog:

Jesse's Brother and The Beast

Michael's Mom and Cindy Lou Who

Michael and Michael's Brother

Westicles and Beelzebub

Kiptyn's Mom and Botox Comestic Model Virginia Madsen

Michael's Dad and Koopa Troopa from Super Mario Brothers

Are you taking notes?!?!

An innocent question asked tonight by a newcomer to our Bachelor(ette)-watching festivities had the group aghast – the question being asked with such confusion yet the answer being so simple. “Of course. We blog.” That is the answer most people would expect, right?

Anyway, I have been getting some flak for slacking on my blogging contributions these past few weeks. While others have been gallivanting to the beach, I was traveling for work the past three weeks and only last night was I finally able to catch up with my fellow DC Bachelor Fans. Contrary to what our dedicated readers might think, the ladies of DC Bachelor Fan stardom are all gainfully employed and revered for their work in areas other than blogging. Shocking, you say? Yes, while it might seem ridiculous we would need jobs to keep us afloat in our nation’s capital other than as writers of this masterful blog, it is true that we have been known to foray into the world of accounting, medicine, and public relations. Oh, and we do have a scientist, but doesn’t every group? So now that I have revealed one too many details about our ghost writers, let me get to the juicy stuff.

Despite the rage we felt at Jilli’s idiotic decision to keep Westicles around, nothing, and I mean not even Laurel, could burst our happy little bubbles about the fact that our dear, adorable, scrumptious Ed had returned. Sigh. Swoon. Yes, Ed has had our hearts from the beginning and we praised Jillian for her wise decision to let Ed come back. Because, hell, if she didn’t, I think there would be at least 6 girls on the next plane to Midway hunting down that argyle-wearing cutey. We just hope that our prediction that the only reason Ed came back was because of lay-offs at Microsoft isn’t true.

Friday, June 19, 2009

My Bachelor Wishes

It has been many months since the invitation to join this blog arrived in my inbox. And in my excitement to rehash the bachelor events with my girlfriends, I immediately clicked right in. I remember the silent props I gave myself as I created my blogger name: Here For the Right Reasons. How clever I was.

Although I have been remiss in my participation in this amazing set of weekly posts, I feel that in light of recent events, it is high time that I get involved.

So let us begin with the very issue of my name – here for the right reasons. It is clear that our dearest Jillian is struggling with this exact problem. Who is here for the right reasons? Let me clue you all in – NOT Wes. A note to all future bachelorettes – if the person sings, cut him. He doesn’t actually like you despite pretending to have written that crooning love song just for you. “Love don’t come eeeaasssiiiieeeeeee.” Who needs American Idol when you can get your five minutes of fame on ABC and find true love? Unfortunately for Wes, we’ve heard that clip a few too many times and his potential one hit wonder is already played out.

Now, for some bizarre reason, the “here for the right reason” issue seems to plague us every season (think Graham from Deanna’s season or Ashley from Jason’s season for a few recent examples). So to help clarify how to identify the true bachelor faker, I submit to you loyal readers:


1. He sings. I feel compelled to mention this again, but refer to previous paragraphs above. The only caveat to this rule is Tina from Lt. Andy Baldwin’s season. That rendition of the National Anthem was nothing but pure patriotism.

2. He has a girlfriend. I know this comes as a shocker, but this show is actually aired on TV! People will see whatever you do and say. Amazing concept, I know.

3. He just got out of a long relationship. Have you never heard of a rebound? Hello, break-up 101. With this particular reason, the person is either desperate or ready to throw the breakup in the ex’s face. Neither goes well for our bachelor(ette). As if after dating someone for numerous years and realizing they aren’t ready for the “next step” this person is going to find a forever mate in a 6 week competition.

4. His mother airs on the first episode. Her ticking grandmother time clock does not mean you want to fall in love with our bachelorette. It means you are desperate and can’t find someone cool on your own – probably because of your overbearing mother.

And the 5th way you know he’s here for the wrong reason (and this one drives me nuts):

5. He’s “never” been rejected before. Ok, if you have never been rejected it makes no sense that you would be on this show. First, you would have already found someone as great as Jill without the help of ABC, helicopter rides (which we’ve had too many of this season), and a load of alcohol. Second, true love is not a competition people!

Now, regardless of the fundamental flaw of this show (finding true, everlasting love in less than 6 weeks on international television), I am holding out faith that Jill will find her future husband. And we have some legit options working for us: Jake (nicest person ever), Jesse (I’ll drink wine with you), and Reed (hottie and I don’t even like glasses)!

All this being said, it brings us to our most critical topic that has been tormenting us all week: Ed’s devastating departure. What is this guy thinking leaving a reality show where he is vying for make-out sessions with ten other dudes to pursue a great career in a crappy economy? Doesn’t he care at all about his future? Did Jillian ever think that maybe he has a real J-O-B and doesn’t want to make lame cameos on daytime talk show for the next few years? Yeah, really poor decision there, Ed; way to be a responsible adult.

I did take serious pleasure though out of Chris Harrison’s cut on Jason that Jillian was more upset to see Ed go. (LOVE Chris Harrison!!) In thinking further about this, if I found a magic bachelor lamp, I think I’d first ask the genie inside to let me be Chris Harrison for a day. Just a single rose ceremony is all I want. Then I’d ask for the genie to set Ed up with LATBachelorFan.

At first, I thought my third wish would be for Dave to get anger management help before he kills Juan. But then I considered all the clips of the killing, trial, and jail check-ins that we’d receive over the next few years and I changed my mind. That could be interesting. So next I considered that perhaps my third wish should help Tanner P. The poor guy is SO paranoid after spilling the girlfriend beans to Jill, and I feel my wish might also help relieve him of his creepy foot fetish. But then I’m not sure anything can help with that, so I don’t want to waste my last wish. And thus I arrive at my final decision: my third wish is for Wes to come down with permanent laryngitis. Then maybe the other guys would like him, Jillian wouldn’t, and he’d be gone once and for all.

So as I sign of from my first blogging experience, I leave you all with high hopes for next Monday. And with aspirations for figuring out exactly who is here for the right reasons…

$3000 for a comforter?!?!?!

Let me back track. A few weeks ago some of the DC Bachelor Fans met a former Bachelorette star and were initially impressed with her sparkly personality and adorable dress. Well, our informants (and we have many throughout the country), have relayed to us that this former star has all of her clothes provided to her for her various events by a top notch retailer. (See LATBachelorFan's post, I am trying to be discreet here.) Well, our spy tells us that DiDi threw a temper tantrum over the dress which we actually loved and because the retailer had made such a HUGE mistake by outfitting her in this frock, she insisted they make it up for her by GIVING her a $3000 comforter. I'm sorry, but despite how famous you think you are, humility is the most attractive quality of all and we're worried you might never find love unless you find some of that first. Amen sisters.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Straight From the Horse's Mouth

We were obviously all crushed at Ed's early departure on last night's episode. In fact, I've been so upset about it I couldn't even bring myself to blog today until this late in the day; I'm speechless. Either that, or I actually have a "job" and "responsibilities" which have kept me from writing today. Take your pick. Ironically, my job has kept me from blogging about someone whose job kept them from possibly finding TRUE LOVE in just 2 months on national television. Fancy that.

I think that, for as many people as have called Jillian "needy," - you know who you are and I am giving you a cyber stink eye right now - that Jillian is actually a strong, independent woman with a good head on her shoulders. Ok, so last night she did fish for a compliment on her date with Jesse by calling herself "fat." Although it is annoying that she is rail-thin and calling herself fat, who hasn't been on a drinking and eating binge over a vacation and come home feeling like a total heifer? Not to mention Jillian is a woman, and women... well, we can be annoying sometimes and do things like talk in baby voices and fish for compliments and heck, even be a little "needy" from time to time. But I feel like as long as Jillian continues to act seemingly normal and doesn't refer to herself in the third person, set up challenges in which she is the "prize" or talk endlessly about how "famous" she is when she is hosting a bridal event at the Chevy Chase Bloomies (cough cough choke choke gag Deanna Pappas), I will continue to give Jilly the benefit of the doubt. In fact, I think she explains her feelings about Ed's departure very well in her own words on her blog, albeit through the use of emoticons:

Now let’s talk about the big drama of the episode … Ed leaving :( Wow, that was so heartbreaking. I truly hadn’t felt that sort of heartbreak since I was in high school. It definitely made me open my eyes, and moving forward, [I'm] taking no relationship for granted. It’s the hardest time to lose someone, because it is too early to tell if they are the “one” but you also know you are developing true feelings for them. I couldn’t give Ed that guarantee at that point, so all I could do … was let him go. :(

Ed really was put between a rock and a hard place. As much as he thinks Jillian is a cool girl, realistically all she was at this point was a possibility and a crush, and who quits their job over a crush?! Although I am sure Patti Stanger would disagree, you shouldn't throw away your entire life for the possibility of love. I think it's great that Ed kept things in perspective and didn't ditch his successful job for a 10% possibility that he would be last man standing. Sucks for Ed, sucks for Jillian, but that's life. For the record, though, Ed's boss sounds like a slave-driving prick. Thanks a lot asshole boss!! May your romantic karma come back and bite you in the ass...

Also on this week's episode, the Bachelors kept the parade of stupid hats alive and well. The only thing that could be worse than this:

is this:

But I'm sure those crazy Bastard Bachelors will prove me wrong next week... until then!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Angry Dave "Comes Clean"

As I occasionally stumble upon the Bachelor, Bachelorette and Chris Harrison blogs during my visits to People.com, I happened to come across Dave's effort to clear the air about his seemingly explosive personality. Dave begins that "there is a lot more to me than what you saw on TV" and proceeds to describe what he believes is his true self - including his role as the guy who "befriended the producers." Really? If his angry persona was in fact "contrived," who does he think carried out this objective...

Unfortunately for Dave, his appeal to the public didn't have quite the same effect as he planned. Inevitably, an angry "famous" (a nod to one of our new acquaintances) person will always end up showing his or her true colors. In some cases, they often reveal more about themselves than they anticipated in an effort to show what "the camera never captured." The traits he tries to convince America are "the real him" were not the positive ones he was hoping for. Dave describes himself as "upbeat and outgoing." Perhaps by "upbeat," he means he would like to "up and beat" someone (most likely Juan)? While he tried to downplay his statement "I want to kill Juan" by saying "that doesn't mean I want to kill Juan," I'm not sure Juan, the other housemates, or the viewers, would agree. He also reveals that he is not at all the shy, tongue-tied bachelor that Jillian found endearing, leading her to pin him with the "first impression rose." So I guess that makes him a liar? Or at the very least, disingenuous? In addition, he refers to himself in third person, and we all know the tendency of certain self-involved people to take this approach.

Let's hope Dave enrolls in anger management classes soon - and when he graduates, hopefully his "comeback" in People will feature a picture of him kissing a puppy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The List Continues....

To pick up where LATBachelorFan left off, I have a few superlatives to add to the list:

Most Over-Used Phrase on The Bachelorette: Not Here for the Right Reasons (see also: Here for the Right Reasons). Since ABC has apparently taken away Chris Harrison's right to use his ace in the hole: "Coming up, the most intense rose ceremony ever," this Bachelor catch phrase takes the cake. The beauty of this sentence is that it implies that you care for the rose-giver, without actually meaning anything at all. Never has this statement been more meaningless than on this season, when Jilli's interpretation of being here for the right reasons means that you've been hurt before and are here to find a rebound girl - unless, of course, you are hot like Kiptyn or have a music career to launch like Westicles.

Most Likely to End Up in the Real World House: David. Ok, so he's way past the right age to be on MTV, but with his boozing, fighting, and general warped world view, David is the perfect candidate to be one of the seven strangers. If, by completely lacking a personality, Juan was able to work him into an alcoholic rage, think what the fire starters they generally put in the Real World House could do. The one thing standing in his way of moving into Dupont Circle is his vocabulary. I mean, even MTV has decency standards. Maybe Dave needs to go wash his mouth out with tequila. Again.

Most Incestuous Bachelor Family: Brad--Deanna--Jason--Jillian. I will be the first to admit that I was excited when they announced that Jillian would be the newest Bachelorette. But, the past few seasons of the Bachelor/Bachelorette are starting to feel like a bad dream -- where characters from different facets of your life mix together until you wake up in a panic that your cougar aunt might actually be hooking up with your boss. This feeling of character de ja vu was only compounded with Melissa's never-ending cameo on Dancing with the Stars. ABC, take note, I will continue to watch Jillian, because I care about true love and happiness, but after this, it's time for some fresh meat, please.

Best Ever Party Trick: Robby. I don't know how he made it happen, but when Robby caught a cherry on a toothpick, I fell in love, just a little bit.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Another Day, Another Douchebag

The drama really got kickin' on this week's episode of The Bachelorette. Despite Deanna Pappas's opinion that Jillian's season is "boring," we politely disagree. That statement among others will be covered in a later post - let's just say some of the DC Bachelor Fans met Ms. Pappas and she is just as self-important and smug in person as she was on the show. Narcissistic former Bachelorettes aside, let's move on to dissecting this week's episode! I'd like to hand out a few awards to the Bachelors:

Worst Attempted Pick-Up Line: Jillian. Her statement to Kiptyn that all he needs to do is "look in a mirror" to see the type of looks she likes in a guy was kind of bush league. And Jill, if what you really desire in a man are huge Dumbo stick-out ears, then I guess Kiptyn and Tanner P. will be the final two. Yikes. Let's leave the pickup lines to the men and you just keep being your sweet little kissing slut self.

Worst Appearance of a Newsboy Cap: Jesse. Despite his attempt to channel Christian Bale's character (Jack Kelly) in Disney's 1992 musical smash "Newsies," I still think Jesse is entirely crushable. But one more stint with a newsboy cap and I'm going to have to start questioning his sexuality. Admittedly, I don't think there's a whole lot to choose from out on those vineyards in the middle of nowhere other than sweaty fieldhands, so perhaps I'm not too far off base here... Then again, his kiss with Jill on the yacht looked very enjoyable - the DC Bachelor Fans agree that so far this season that kiss has been the least cringe-worthy (for some reason I can't stand watching the makeouts on this show and ususally end up closing my eyes or hiding behind a pillow, but this one I watched with eyes wide open). I will continue to hold out hope for Jesse and Jilly.

Most Likely To Make a Comeback: Michael. Michael seemed to be the only guy who actually cared that Jillian was on the curling date. Everyone else was too absorbed in shit-talking and endzone dancing to care that she was standing right there! Michael was the only one to take advantage of her presence by repeatedly hugging her because she was "cold..." I guess that's what happens when you wear ass-hugging spandex to the ice rink?

Most Egregious Overstatement: Jake. He had this to say about their one-on-one date: "It made my year, it made my life." Ok, Mr. Perfect. We get it. You think you're perfect and you have to drive home that sentiment with being all sensitive and overly stating how you feel about Jillian after knowing her for TWO WEEKS. Give the perfect act a rest and do something like fart or pick your nose in front of Jilli; maybe then she will actually end up liking you! A holier-than-thou attitude will get you nowhere with this feisty Canuck.

Dumbest Statement: Mike. "This is like a one-on-one date just split in half." No shit. That's why it's called a two-on-one date, you moron. No wonder she sent you packing in a gondola... and not a moment too soon (see below).

First Drop of the L-Word: Mike. Before he is sent packing, Jimmy Bagadonuts claims that he is "falling in love with Jillian." And it begins. I think episode 4 is a little early for this word to be tossed about, but someone had to be the first one! Jimmy, there are plenty of infintely classy ladies back on The Island who I am sure would be overjoyed to have you and your perfectly quaffed hair say this about them. Best of luck, sir.

Funniest Wes-Bash of the Night: Ed. Ed's statement that Wes is a "country singin' turd" is just another reason why we love this guy. It almost forgives his borderline douchey question earlier on in the episode about whether or not the hotel has a hottub...

Noblest Self-Destruction: Tanner P. For everything we've said about Tanner P. and his disgusting toe sucking obsession, I think that he really did Jill a favor by telling her that some guys have girlfriends. He knows he isn't going to be the last man standing, and he is just trying to help a sister out! Which I am sure he has already begun to regret after what seemed like an hour-long standoff at the rose ceremony, only to be followed with Jillian's Spanish Inquisition that will take place on a snowmobile on next week's episode. Good deeds never go unpunished, do they?

Best Impression of a Private Investigator: Chris Harrison. Chris's statement that they will "get to the bottom of this" girlfriend situation was priceless. And according to his blog entry this week, Chris was good and pissed off for Jill after this bomb was dropped at the cocktail party. Chris really is the master at making awkward situations even more awkward... who can forget "Who else here has a problem with Meghan?" from Jason's season? We love you Chris! Keep it coming!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Lion, The Witch, and the Bachelorette....

Totally agree, NotCrazyEnough, let's call a spade a spade and just say it: Jillian cut Sasha because it was just too ridiculous to keep him. Setting aside the name, (which does merit a couple of ridiculous points), his uncanny resemblance to Mr. Tumnus would make kissing him completely uncomfortable. Unfortunately, I think its his awkwardly geometric hair which brings to mind creatures from Narnia…NOT his resemblance to James McAvoy.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hypocrite or Not?

I know I missed our group viewing this past week, but I do care about Jillian, Jillian's happiness, and Jillian finding true love.

That said, I kind of think she was a hypocrite last week. Did anyone else realize that both Sasha and Kiptyn basically said the same thing, that they have never been in love and that they were always the heart breakers? Yet, our dear Jillian kicks Sasha to the curb for saying it and decides to swoon over Kiptyn for it. Obviously the physical attraction and chemistry is there between Kiptyn and the leading lady, but how can you turn a blind eye to the same statement out of his mouth that you just kicked a cute guy home for? Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with her letting Sasha go, I just think she should have said it was because she didn't want to make out with him instead of coming up with the excuse that he hasn't been in love before and she couldn't live up to his expectations. I think Jillian thought that Sasha couldn't live up to her expectations in bed! I seem to think her libido seems to be ruling her decisions for now.

Ed is definitely my fave so far in this game. Although his kiss did seem to be a weak kiss and no girl likes a weak kiss. We all want to be blown away by an amazing kiss. So, Ed step up the game with your make out skills so that our dear Jillian keeps you around!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Yeah, and I'm looking for a Tyrannosaurus Rex

Sorry Sasha, but we knew you were cooked the moment you told Jilli you were looking for a mythical unicorn. While it reminded me of one of my favorite Irish Drinking Songs ("The Unicorn Song"), I just couldn't handle, like Jilli, Sasha's desire to find someone so perfect. Setting himself up for disappointment -- because we ladies are crazy bitches.

My amiga LATBachelorFan really covered a good deal of ground in her post so let me just add a few points:

1. Ed won me over when he talked about his love for karaoke saying - "its not about being good, its about thinking you're good." Let's just hope that motto doesn't carry over into his bedroom skillz. I actually just blushed writing that sentence. Man, Ed really has a hold on me.

2. Dave needs to enroll in Anger Management AS SOON AS POSSIBLE for the sake of all living creatures. I am just thankful there isn't a little puppy living in that house because god help that pup if he tried to snuggle up to Jill or steal Dave's 1-on-1 time. I have no doubt in my mind that Dave has drowned puppies.

3. Dave needs to get over the fact that Juan "faked a shot". I mean, how old are you? Really? Why are you taking shots in the first place? I mean, I know the DC Bachelor Fans like to enjoy some jello shooters every once and a Monday but do adult men really need to take shots to be masculine? Dave - get over it. You scare me. And the puppies.

4. Mike, my fellow New Yorker. There is a name we call guys like you back on the Island (Staten, Long, or Manhattan, take your pick!) - and that is Jimmy Bagadonuts. Jilli's Canadian accent is way too cute and your NY attitude will never fly up with the Canuks. Sorry buddy, but I predict your end is near. I'm sure you'll find a lovely New York girl with long dark hair who is tan year-round and whose name is Marissa. She works at the salon around the block. Try there.

5. Can Ed be any cuter? Swoon. PLEASE, for all things sacred, don't turn out to be a d-bag.

And finally, the moment of truth.

6. Every time I heard Wes sing his STUPID song, I kept thinking - I've heard this somewhere before. These lyrics sound familiar. This tune sounds familiar. And then it hit me: Listen to Wes' inspiration. Yes, our boy Wes stole his lyrics from the legendary Supremes. C'mon dude, if you are going to plagiarize, know your audience.

Okay, one more thing.

7. We love it how Tanner P. looks so dejected in this scene that we had to capture it for our audience.

Getting to Know You, Getting To Know All About You...

Getting to like (some of) you, getting to know you like feet...

This week on the Bachelorette, we continued to get to know the Bachelors, and I finally feel like I can actually tell most of them apart. While 30 men was a bonus for Jillian, it has been more confusing for the audience, specifically those of us who guzzle wine through the entire episode and mostly talk over the show and each other. Wine chugging and fuzzy memories aside, I think our little group will agree with me when I choose to categorize the remaining Bachelors into four categories: the good, the bad, the downright ugly and the departed.

The Good:
Ed - I won't explain in detail the amount that we were gushing over Ed last night. Suffice it to say that he rose (no pun intended, heh) very quickly to the top of our favorites list, and when he was speaking it was one of the only times throughout the night that we actually shut up. Because we were too busy blushing and giggling at the TV to say anything, besides the obligitory "I love him!" everytime they showed his face.
Jake - Still one of our frontrunners even though he wasn't really featured this episode. I still question his sincerity but he is a favorite of other members of our group so...
Jesse - Also not really featured too much this episode, but his Chris O'Donnell-looking mug deserves to stay around until the end if only for the fact that he is cute as a button! He better get an alone date next week.
Kiptyn - Although I still think that Kiptyn looks like a guy I happened to drunkenly make out with once at a jorts party and that he has big ears, again other members of the group seem to be fans, so here he remains.
Reid - Reid really started to show his personality this week, and he was JUST about to make a move on Jilli when Juan the Funky Homosapien chose that exact moment to interrupt. Come on, man! I want to see Reid in action! Fingers crossed for next week...
Robby - Despite the fact that he essentially admitted to not having kissed a woman in two years (how is that possible, by the way? I can't go two weekends without kissing someone...), we still think Robby is the poop.

The Bad:
Mark - Mark has solidified himself as "Who IS That Guy" in our group. Literally every time they showed his face one of us would scream that out, and we weren't even doing it to be funny. I mean, come on dude, get yourself out there, talk about the weather, pizza, SOMETHING!
Michael - I don't think that Michael is a match for Jillian, and that is why he appears in this category. However, he does serve as comedic relief throughout the episodes, and for that I am thankful... his stiff ape-lip impersonation of Brad's kiss with Jillian was not only accurate but hilarious.
Mike - I think unfortunately for Mike his speedo trick and recreation of Brokeback Mountain will be all that fills his 15 minutes of fame. Sorry, buddy.

The Ugly:
Douchebag Dave - I really don't think I need to fill too much space here with lamentations about this bull in a china shop and his seemingly endless supply of rage. I'll just leave you with some documentation of his face twitch that occurs when he is good and pissed:


Juan the Funky Homosapien
- So the majority of the group seem to think that Juan plays for the other team, but I am pretty sure that he is just asexual. Which is easier to picture, Juan masturbating to another man or him just masturbating to himself in the mirror? I choose option B. Also, Dave's main gripe against Juan is that he is there "for the wrong reasons." Dave, no, he is NOT there for the wrong reasons, he just happens to be a choch-bag, or a cheesedick, or what you would call a "cheeseass," ok? Don't get it confused.
Tanner P. - So obviously Tanner P.'s foot soliloquy was possibly the funniest moment of the season to date. The only thing that confused me about the toe suck dance was that in his modern dance movements of sucking toes, he made it appear that Jillian's toes were like, really, really, long. So now I can't stop picturing him sucking these really long toes, belonging to some creature out of a Roald Dahl book or something. I wonder what he would do if he knew I could pick up a roll of quarters with my foot...
Wes - In addition to being a total creeper (as well as a lyrics thief, which I will leave to you, DCBachelorFan), Wes is also boring, which I just realized this week. When he's not singing and my blood isn't boiling, he's talking and I'm snoring. Also I can't believe how effing NAIVE Jillian is being about this guy! I mean come on... "I want to play my song for you again." It's not so that he can make you swoon, Jilli, it's so that he can attract the attention of whatever record producer who maybe wasn't paying attention the FIRST 100 FUCKING TIMES HE PLAYED IT. Wake UP sister!! End rant.

The Departed:
Sasha -
Alright, I feel really bad for this guy. Not only was his rejection the first "recession era" rejection we've seen on public transportation, but Jillian made a realllly bad decision eliminating this guy just because he hasn't been in love yet or whatever BS reason she used. That may be an understandable elimination to make if you are down to 10 or 5 or whatever, but when you have an entire stockpile of douchebags just begging for elimination back at the house?! Totes harsh, Jilli.
Brad - Peace be with you, sister kisser. I can promise this will be the last time I ever think of your gross face.
Tanner F. - Poor guy. Jillian didn't even give him a chance. And I will reiterate what I said about the stockpile of douches at the ready (reference "The Bad" and "The Ugly" above).

Hopefully next week our leading lady starts making some wiser decisions. I am not ready to give up on her yet, but I am just waiting for her otherwise great taste to start reflecting itself in her taste in men (ADORABLE onesie, by the way, Jilli!!). Next week looks to be quite a thrilling epidsode... who knows, perhaps this could even be the first "most dramatic rose ceremony EVER" this season! Which guys have girlfriends? Will Dave slit Juan's throat? Will Mike and Mike decide they like each other better than they like Jillian? Tune in next week to find out!